It's hard to avoid sweating when you live in a tropical environment and almost all Queenslanders will have moments when the sweat gets just too much!
Manual workers commonly turn to us to assist with their sweat problems and our clients range from tradies to miners but also teachers, trainers, sports players, and anyone who works in the public eye.
For some people, sweating can be a real problem even when it's cool weather and many of these people find that it affects their work or social lives because their sweating is always out of control. If you have ever and that embarrassing moment when you raise your arm and realise that your shirt is soaking wet around the armpit, then imagine that for some people this is a problem every single day. This condition is called Hyperhidrosis (extreme sweating).
Hyperhidrosis can also be caused through stress and anxiety, for example, when public speaking, giving a presentation for work or even just meeting new people. Even a first date may be all that’s needed to stimulate those sweat glands into overdrive.
Of course, sweating is also an important part of the body's cooling system so we can't shut every sweat gland down. We can however safely target one or two problem areas and our most common requests are for under the arm, the back of the neck, and under the breast (a lifesaver for some well-endowed women)
Whatever the cause, a soggy shirt is uncomfortable at best and certainly not the best way to make a first impression. Did you know that it takes 7 personal encounters to reverse the very first impression someone makes about you? So you could be remembered as the man (or woman) with sweaty armpits for way longer than those armpits were wet.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating and typically affects hands, feet, armpits, and head
Call 07 5509 0081 for more information or book complimentary consultation with one of our RN's here
Is The Heat & Sweat Getting You Down?